

    Hiin my lovely quarantines, I hope you are well ♥. Everyone knows that this quarantine is disturbing us in almost everything. Especially in the exercises hahaha, however, I found a website with several styles of straps for us to use on a daily basis.

The store is feelingirl dress it is online and the prices are very good.

   Below I will show some pictures of the best body shapers (straps from the store) so crazy here wanting them all.

strap link above https://www.feelingirldress.com/product/115606.html

strap link above    https://www.feelingirldress.com/product/110502.html

strap link above  https://www.feelingirldress.com/product/112618.html

strap link above https://www.feelingirldress.com/product/112617.html

                  strap link above  https://www.feelingirldress.com/product/54165.html
See more other models and colors of straps by clicking on the name feelingirl dress

   However, not only wearing a belt if I lived a woman, there are people who are happy with their bodies and do not like braces or exercises. But, I hope you do a little for your own health.

There are wholesale plus size dresses on the website.

dress link above https://www.feelingirldress.com/product/116112.html

dress link above  https://www.feelingirldress.com/product/116111.html

dress link above https://www.feelingirldress.com/product/116109.html
dress link above https://www.feelingirldress.com/product/116107.html
dress link above https://www.feelingirldress.com/product/102395.html
For you to be aware, this perfect leopard dress costs feathers $ 13.90

Love, to see more plus size dresses and monkeys click on the name feelingirl dress

Anyway ... taking advantage that I'm here, let me show you a few more things about this frilly site ♥

let's start with gym clothes: 


  just so you don't have any doubts i'll put an image together with the price, i'm not lying .. prices are cheap

this set above has several colors too.

Serious people .. when I have more stability I want to buy a lot at this store, it's one of my favorites at the moment and I love to buy online <3. They accept master card, visa and also paypal, amoo.

I found this blouse very fashionable and comfortable.

The 3 blouses that I will show now, are my favorites so far ♥


  I love getting dressed, I love looking at myself in the mirror and feeling wonderful, it's not because we're at home that we're going to get crazy hahaha

   The dresses are also amazing. I can't stop looking at the site, but I have to stop because my list of darlings keeps growing.


   That's it loves, I'm drooling on this site, it has everything: working out clothes, accessories to make at home, bikinis, my God, I'm freaking out, I want you ♥

I hope you enjoyed the post, a beeijo and any questions I'm in the urge (:

 Oiin meus amouros, me segue nas redes abaixo pra gente ficar coladas sempre

Instagram: @beijosdavick to la pagando micão nos stories, vem <3

Twitter: @beijosdavick 24hrs fazendo desabafo que ninguém em outra rede pode saber hahaha

Assista meu #standupnoquarto: sim, sou humorista e blogueira com blog youtube.com/victoriabritto15

Email para trabalhos: beijosdavickblog@outlook.com
Snap: beijosdavick

 Faça parte da minha Fan Page: Beijos da vick 

Meu pinterest onde tem várias pastas com inspirações de tudo que você imaginar  Victoria Britto   

   Post traduzido ♥

   Oiin meus amouros quarenteners, espero que estejam bem ♥. Todo mundo sabe que essa quarentena ta atrapalhando a gente em quase tudo. Principalmente nos exercícios hahaha, porém, achei um site mara com vários estilos de cintas pra gente usar no dia a dia.

 A loja é feelingirl dress ela é online e os preços são bem bons.

Abaixo eu vou mostrar algumas fotos dos melhores modeladores de corpo (cintas da loja) to louquinha aqui querendo todas.

Veja mais outros modelos e cores de cintas clicando no nome feelingirl dress

  Porém, não só de cinta se vivi uma mulher, tem gente que é feliz com seu corpo e não curte cintas e nem exercícios. Mas, espero que façam um pouco pela própria saúde.

 Pra vocês terem noção esse vestido de oncinha perfeito custa penas $13,90

  Amores, para ver mais vestidos e macaquinhos plus size cliquem no nome feelingirl dress

  Enfim... eu tô babado muuuito nesse site, tem de tudo: roupas para malhar, acessórios também pra gente fazer em casa, biquines, meu Deus tô surtando, ja quero tuuudo ♥

  Espero que tenham gostado do post, um beeijo e qualquer dúvida tô la no insta (:

 Oiin meus amouros, me segue nas redes abaixo pra gente ficar coladas sempre

Instagram: @beijosdavick to la pagando micão nos stories, vem <3

Twitter: @beijosdavick 24hrs fazendo desabafo que ninguém em outra rede pode saber hahaha

Assista meu #standupnoquarto: sim, sou humorista e blogueira com blog youtube.com/victoriabritto15

Email para trabalhos: beijosdavickblog@outlook.com
Snap: beijosdavick

 Faça parte da minha Fan Page: Beijos da vick 

Meu pinterest onde tem várias pastas com inspirações de tudo que você imaginar  Victoria Britto   


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